UK > CEPENSAR > Užitočné adresy riešiteľského kolektívu CEPENSAR


Vitajte na našej stránke. Dnes je utorok, 1. apríl 2025.

Užitočné adresy

O rozšírenej realite

Augmented Reality

Rozšírená realita vo vyučovaní

Augmented reality in the classroom: 8 ideas for digitizing education & training

Augmented Reality in Education: The Hottest EdTech Trend and How to Apply It to Your Business

Jasoren Education

Google AR & VR

CoSpaces Edu: Make AR & VR in the classroom

Aplikácie rozšírenej reality (aj pre pre výučbu)

Apple - Augmented Reality

Educational App Store

Aplikácie s rozšírenou realitou pre predprimárnu a primárnu edukáciu

Quiver Education


Quiver Education (android)

Quiver - 3D Coloring App (iOS)

Coloring Packs

IKEA Place

Say hej to IKEA Place

IKEA Place (android)

IKEA Place (iOS)

Animal 4D+

4D+ Flashcards

Animal 4D+ (android)

Animal 4D+ (iOS)

Star Walk 2

Star Walk 2

Star Walk 2 - Night Sky View and Stargazing Guide (android)

Star Walk 2 - The Night Sky Map (iOS)

AR Anatomy 4D+

AR Аnatomy 4D+ (android)

AR Anatomy 4D+ (iOS)

AR Anatomy 4D+ (PDF)

GeoGebra Augmented Reality

GeoGebra 3D with AR (android)

GeoGebra 3D with AR (iOS)

GeoGebra Augmented Reality (iOS)

GeoGebra 3D Graphing Calculator

GeoGebra 3D Graphing Calculator (android)

Getting Started with GeoGebra Augmented Reality

Polyèdres augmentés

Polyèdres augmentés (android/iOS)

Polyèdres augmentés - Mirage (android)

Mirage - polygones augmentés (iOS)

AR Ruler App

AR Ruler App – Tape Measure & Camera To Plan (android)

AR Ruler App – Tape Measure (iOS)


Photomath (android)

Photomath (iOS)



Zariadenia pre rozšírenú realitu

Zariadenia pre rozšírenú a virtuálnu realitu

The Best Augmented Reality Hardware in 2019

AR/MR Devices

Zaujímavé videá

The Rise Of Technology-Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality And Mixed Reality

Augmented Reality in the Classroom - 8 fun AR apps

HoloLens 2 AR Headset: On Stage Live Demonstration

Jurassic World Evolution Fan Cinematic


Pozývame Vás na Záverečné oponentské konanie projektu CEPENSAR, ktoré sa uskutoční 15. 03. 2021 o 15:30 prostredníctvom MS Teams.